Saturday, June 2, 2012

What weight should I use durning Les Mills Pump workouts?

 I have been ask by some people about how much weight they should use during Les Mills Pump workouts. When people are interested in the program they see that it comes with only 30lbs of weight all together ( two 5lb plates and two 10lb plates) and do not think this is enough. Coming from someone who is currently using the program this is my thoughts on your weight selection durning the workouts.

Les Mills Pumps workouts target every muscle in your body. It is a total body workout hitting every muscle head to toe. Depending on what muscle group you are working out will depend on how much weight you can lift. If you are hitting the big muscles in your body like back or legs then you can go heavier then if your doing smaller muscles like shoulders. When I am working out I have found that the weights that came with the program are not heavy enough to get a super effective workout in certain areas like squats, back, and chest. Due to this I got the additional 25lb plates to add to what I already had. With this additional weight I have the perfect amount of weight to get the best possible workout with perfect form.

I must stress one very important thing about this workout. This workout is designed for high repetitions with the use of lower weight. In some workouts you are doing over 800 reps! That's a lot of reps my friends! So before you decide to go heavy with the weights first leave your ego at the door at first. The most important thing here durning these workouts is FORM! If you do not have perfect form durning the entire workout you can run the risk of hurting yourself and we do not want that. I highly suggest to everyone I coach and enquire about this program is start off light until your perfect your form once that is perfected then you can move onto higher weights.

I have been lifting for a long time now and the moves performed durning this workout are moves that I have done many times. I have perfected the form so this is the reason why I lift heavier weights then what is advised. Here are my top tips for weight selection durning Les Mills Pump works.

- Before starting the workouts make sure you can perform each move with just the bar itself with perfect form. From there add weight until your form begins to become unsteady. At this point you should stop at this weight until perfect form is reached and then raise your weight again.

- This program is designed for low weights high repetitions so if you do not feel the burn in the targeted muscle at first it will come towards the end of the session. If you do not feel the burn and your form is perfect you can then add additional weight to get a better workout and better burn in your muscles.

- For those of you who love lifting heavy please for your safety leave your ego at the door! If you try and lift very heavy right out of the gate with these workouts your are one: going to wear yourself out very quickly due to the high repetitions. Second: lifting very heavy right out of the gate will highly increase your risk of injury. Again I can't stress enough perfect your form before adding on the weight.

- There is nothing wrong with not using weights and just using the bar. If you are just starting out and even using the 5lb plates make you unsteady on your feet then just start off with the bar. By doing this will help you prefect your form in the safest way possible, and you can still get a great workout with just the bar.

i hope these tips can help some of you out there who are about to start or currently using Les Mills Pump to get a better experience out of the program and help prevent any unnecessary injuries. If you would like to purchase additional weights for the program Click here

                                                                                                                                  KIA KAHA
                                                                                                                                ( BE STRONG)

If you would like to learn more or have any questions contact me by Clicking here

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